The Training Tools for Job Qualification
Depending on the mill, there are about a half dozen training tools or steps used to qualify an operator for the information and equipment locations they must know and the field tasks they must do. With some variation, the training steps and associated tools include:
- KNOW: Mill policy and indoctrination training
- KNOW: Safety training, general and area-specific
- KNOW: General equipment and procedural training (forklift operation, pump and valve condition monitoring, etc.)
- KNOW: Process overview training (generic multimedia presentations, introductory classroom presentations, etc.)
- KNOW: (WE CAN HELP) Site-specific system training (mill-specific equipment/flow/control modules, equipment locators)
- DO: (WE CAN HELP) Standard Operating Procedures and coached OJT (field task steps, instructor demonstration of steps, and practice of steps)
- DO: Control room DCS simulation (if available)
- KNOW & DO: Ongoing coached OJT using troubleshooting guides and seat time for field and control room operations
The first three steps are usually well-established and routine at most mills. Materials for the 4th step are available from several companies (TAPPI, Kapstone, Delta Training Partners) and provide instant, basic orientation to mill process and science concepts associated with many systems.
Organizing the Training Steps: The Job Position Curriculum and Learning Management System (LMS)
- (WE CAN HELP) A comprehensive training curriculum checklist is also required to tailor these training steps and tools to each job position in the line of progression.
- (WE CAN HELP) The curriculum as well as the training materials may be stored and accessed through an on-line learning management system (LMS) used by trainees and administrators to track learner progress. We have experience with both of these tasks.